Faculty & Staff

UVWS teacher-student relationships are the building blocks of our school. Our faculty is made up of passionate, trained Waldorf teachers who are dedicated to our students and to Waldorf Education.They aim to cultivate the children’s joyfulness and curiosity and develop life long learners. They do so while creating a supportive and safe learning environment for the students.

“Teachers in Waldorf schools are dedicated to generating an inner enthusiasm for learning within every child. This eliminates the need for competitive testing, academic placement, and rewards to motivate learning and allows motivation to arise from within. It helps engender the capacity for joyful life-long learning.”

— Association of Waldorf Schools In North America

Early Childhood 

Apple Blossom Classroom Teacher, Jen Brown
Apple Blossom Classroom Assistant, Julie Derksen
Butterfly Garden Classroom Teacher, Kelly Denmeade
Butterfly Garden Classroom Assistant, Sarah Herb
Rosebud Classroom Teacher, Shifra Levine
Rosebud Classroom Assistants, Meghan Hagedorn, Meghan Teachout
Robins' Nest Classroom Teacher, Charan Kaur
Robins' Nest Classroom Assistant, Becca Macie
Parent/Child Classroom Teacher,
Charan Kaur
Afternoon Program Teachers,
Sarah Bernstein, Julie Derksen, Sarah Herb, Becca Macie


 Subject and Specialty Teachers

Art Teacher, Kevin Quigley
Chorus Teacher
, Kevin Quigley
Extra Lesson Teacher, Connie Helms
French Teacher
, Merideth Jackson
Handwork Teacher, June Albright
Instrumental Music Teacher, Erin Lord
Movement Teacher, Clayton Bailey
Woodwork Teacher, Tim Price

